Results The CT manifestations of unresectable pancreatic carcinoma included: peripancreatic vascular involvement, metastasis found liver and peritoneum, adjacent organ involvement, distant metastatic lymphadenopathy and invasion of peripancreatic fat plane accompanied with other signs of unresectable lesion revealed in the same evaluation. 结果胰腺癌不可切除的征象有以下几点:胰周血管受侵,肝转移及腹膜转移,临近器官受侵,远处淋巴结转移以及胰周脂肪层模糊同时伴有其他不可切除征象。
It plays various roles in life activities, including organ formation, development, viral defence, hematopoiesis, cell proliferation and apoptosis, fat metabolism and so on. 它在生命活动中参与各种各样的调节途径,发挥着重要的调控作用,包括器官形成、发育、病毒防御、造血过程、细胞增殖和凋亡、脂肪代谢等等。